Mr. Chemo Man

August 22
Today was chemo treatment #2.  I must admit that I was a little nervous because I've been feeling so good the past two weeks and I think it's so weird to do something purposefully that you know will make you feel badly for a few days.  Oh, well.  I have no choice, right?  As usual, the precious duo was with me, as well as my good friend, Leigh Ann.

The good news is that my port worked and the nurse was able to draw blood from it after just a few tries.  The bad news is that my port incision is infected.  Not good at all.  Dr. G put me on a massive dose of antibiotics, though, and that should clear it right up.

Here I am getting ready for the actual chemo.  That little blue thingy coming out of my blouse is hooked to my port and the chemo drugs just hook right into it.  Genius!

Today I took Mr. Chemo Man with me.  He's my visualization of my friend, chemo.  He's also a toy that my grandson (Clark) leaves at my house and when I see this toy, I think of Clark.  Love that boy.  My Chemo Man has a bald head and wears red glasses like mine:

Then, when he goes to work on my cancer cells, he puts on his armor and gets busy.  He says to me, 'Connie, honey, I'm sorry that I might cause you a few side effects, but I'm your friend and I will work hard to make you healthy."  I love Mr. Chemo Man.

My sister took an 'artsy' picture of Mr. Chemo Man.  He sits right beside me during my treatment. I like this pic!  

My friend, Leigh Ann, brought me a cap that she'd crocheted for me.  It is so adorable and most importantly, it's filled with love.  Every single stitch.  I love Leigh Ann.  She always knows exactly what to do when there's a need.  Today she's making me a peach cobbler (my favorite!) and some potato soup. In this picture, she and I are discussing the death of one of our dear friends who died this morning.  Sandy B. was a 20-year breast cancer survivor who died of a disease unrelated to breast cancer.  She was a huge part of my life and I'll miss knowing she is a part of my world.  

It was another great day at the cancer center.  Everyone is incredibly sweet and kind there.  I'm so blessed and so grateful.  

1 comment:

  1. Mr. Chemo looks like he can kick some serious butt! You two make the perfect team; strong, beautiful, amazing and full of determination.....keep up the good work. You're always in my thoughts and prayers.
