#5 CHEMO ... DONE!

October 26
One more treatment and I'm done (with chemo anyway).  I'm still waiting for the side effects to kick in, but so far, nothing too bad ... just tiredness.  I can do tiredness!!

My sweet daughter-in-law brought me pot roast, her delicious homemade mashed potatoes, and homemade banana muffins on Saturday.  I got two dinners out of her feast.  I think that red meat might have helped my blood counts go up, too.  I was afraid my chemo would be postponed because of low red blood counts and anemia.  But, NO!  I was in perfect shape.  I think Marian's dinners did the trick.  I also had a heart echo (ultra sound) done this week as well.  The drugs I'm taking can cause damage to my heart, but good news again.  Perfect numbers!  I guess I'm as healthy as a horse.

Susan, my good friend from college (we've known each other since 1964), called Sunday because she knew I was going for chemo again.  The reason for her call?  She wanted to make me laugh so she had two hilarious jokes.  I get almost instant emotional healing when I'm laughing.  I just love laughing from my belly and Susan always makes me laugh out loud.  (LOL!)

My good friend, Leigh Ann, sat through chemo with me and, as usual, brought something to eat.  She made me banana nut muffins.  How delicious.  Leigh Ann always seems to know exactly what I need and want.  She runs around getting things for me while I'm in the chemo chair and keeps me covered in warm blankets.  I adore Leigh Ann.

I went to little Clark's Grandparent's Day last week.  He showed me something he'd written in his journal.  Made me cry, of course!

And here we are having lunch when we were finished at school.  We have such a special relationship, and he loves me the same ... with or without hair.

And here's another picture of my newest grandchild, Charlie, with his adorable big sister, Sophia.  

More later!!


October 5
I have ONLY two more treatments left and then I'm finished with chemo!  All in all, it hasn't been such a hard journey.  There have been a few bumps along the road, but nothing that rest and naps didn't help.  I am so blessed.

Last week, my sweet hairdresser brought me a huge chicken sour cream enchilada casserole.  HUGE!  I put it in the freezer so I can serve my entire family at some point.  Maybe during the OU/Texas game??  I was so touched by her kindness.   

Here is one of my favorite new pics of my guy, Charlie, and his big sister, Sophia.  Awwwwww.